Calling all mamas on a spiritual path!

New, experienced, expecting, and step/bonus mamas welcome! If you are raising children in any motherly role, please join our free Community and virtual gatherings.

We’ll gather virtually twice a month, during the Full and New Moon cycles, to share in a safely held, intimate group space.

We'll start our call with a brief body relaxation and meditation.

Each Mama will have a few moments to share about their own personal challenges and triumphs as well as what they most need support with right now.

We'll conclude with a brief meditation or ritual to send you off feeling empowered and with a full cup.

Some of the things we're considering as topics for future gatherings:

  • New Moon Meditations & Journaling

  • Full Moon Releasing Ceremonies

  • Crystals, smudging, and leansing your space

  • Conscious parenting

  • Using the 9 Star Ki to better understand yourself and your babies

Even though this is a spiritual group, we'll create a firmly grounded container and give practical tools to assist you in the everyday hectic life that is motherhood. We can't wait to meet you!