Feeling depleted or need deep healing and rejuvenation?

Blocked and stuck energy leaves you feeling exhausted.

Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.

I hear you. And I can help.

The Spark of Life provides deep physical rejuvenation and creates a healing environment to help you get back on track.

Spark of Life reconnects you to the original divine spark and returns you to a place of balance, love, and joy.

This "On-Demand" session happens in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule. No need to even get dressed. #nopantsrequired

When you awake from this session, you'll feel blissed out, restored, and rejuvenated.


This healing provides phenomenal results for:

  • Sudden onset of illness (e.g. flu/Covid symptoms, fever, body aches)

  • Physical injury and trauma

  • Recovery from recent surgery

  • Chronic illness

  • Chemotherapy/radiation

  • Grief and loss

  • Stress and emotional upset

This entire session takes 60 minutes and is performed remotely.

The Spark of Life tends to knock people out – in the best way possible! – so it's highly recommended to take a nap afterwards or to schedule this just before bedtime.



  • Once payment is submitted, you'll receive a link to book in my calendar.

  • Schedule an uninterrupted hour (preferably before bedtime or on a quiet day - this healing can be intense!)

  • We'll connect via email/FB so I know exactly where to direct the energy during your session.


  • I'll contact you a few minutes prior to make sure you're ready.

  • The entire session is done remotely while you relax. There's no communication during the process, just relaxation and healing.

  • Make sure your session is completely distraction-free.


  • You receive a note immediately after with any feedback that comes through with how to best integrate this energy.

  • I'll be 'on-call' for a few days afterwards.

Wanna book a Spark of Life?